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"For a night, we're all nice to each other down here." Live, over-the-air recording of self-described "secular humanist/torch song Xmas ballad." From WXIN-TV, "A Singing, Swinging Holiday Special." With Lawrence Clark III: drums, Frank Smith: upright bass, Roberto Monsalve: piano, Richard "Morrie" Torres, tenor sax, and TB: vox. Written by Tim Brickley and David Rheins.


(Timothy Brickley & David Rheins)

It’s that time of the year when traffic gets crazy,
red and white everywhere and you can’t turn on the TV
without bumping into that little, neurotic reindeer.
That time of the year.

Unemployed Santas, ringing them damn bells,
Muzak Xmas carols ringing falsely in your ear,
it’s the ringing of the cash register that’s the real king ‘round here.
That time of the year.

I know she was right; it was time to let it go
but that don’t make it easier, knowing that you know
and I guess they’ll be no little tree ‘round here, this time.
That time of the year.

It’s that time of the year for love to come and find me
but I’ve been a little hard to find.
Drag out those dusty boxes by myself this time,
crank out a couple cards, have a couple beers
and try to dig a little that time of the year.

So, Merry Christmas, Baby or Happy Hanukkah, or
Praise Be to Allah, anything y’all got to call Her.
Any way’s ok with me that gets you to peace and cheer.
It’s a pretty good time of year.

So, let’s gather ‘round and knock a few down
over at the Red Key ‘til Russ shuts her down,
listening to Mr. Nat King Cole laying it down
and offer a toast to all those stars that keep coming ‘round.
For a night we’re all nice to each other down here.
That time of the year.

Copyright 1994, Timothy Brickley & David Rheins.